5 Day Journey To The Largest Pyramid In The World

5 Day Journey To The Largest Pyramid In The World


After 3 days of trekking deep into the jungle of northern Guatemala, I find myself standing on the largest pyramid ever built in the lost city of El Mirador. This place remained uninhabited for over a thousand years due to relentless mosquitoes, thousands of jaguars, and an inhospitable environment. Join me as I share what it takes to get here and why this place is so significant.

Day 1: Jungle Trek to El Mirador

Trekking through the jungle, battling mosquitoes, mud, and jaguars, we made our way to the lost ancient Mayan city of El Mirador. The journey was challenging, but the sense of adventure and exploration kept us going. Camping in the jungle, surrounded by wildlife, added to the thrill of the experience.

Day 2: Exploring La Florida and El Mirador Complex

On the second day of our trek, we explored the ancient ruins of La Florida, learning about the history of the area and enjoying a well-deserved lunch. As we continued our journey to El Mirador, we encountered more challenges like river crossings and dense vegetation. The day ended with a breathtaking view from the top of a partially excavated pyramid in the El Mirador complex.

Day 3: Sunrise at Lanta Pyramid and Exploration

Waking up before dawn, we hiked to the top of Lanta pyramid to witness a spectacular sunrise over the jungle. The day was spent exploring the vast complex of El Mirador, marveling at the ancient structures and learning about the Mayan civilization that once thrived there. The highlight was the panoramic view from the highest pyramid, offering a glimpse into the rich history of the region.


After an unforgettable journey through the Guatemalan jungle to reach El Mirador, we reflected on the significance of this ancient site and the challenges faced by its early inhabitants. The trek tested our endurance and spirit of adventure, but the rewards of exploring such a hidden gem made it all worthwhile.

Related Questions

1. What were some of the challenges faced during the trek to El Mirador?
– The challenges included battling mosquitoes, navigating muddy paths, crossing rivers, and encountering wildlife like jaguars.
2. What was the significance of La Florida in the El Mirador complex?
– La Florida was an inhabited area with significant Mayan ruins dating back to 800 BC, offering insights into the cultural history of the region.
3. How did the sunrise experience at Lanta pyramid impact the journey?
– Witnessing the sunrise from the tallest Mayan pyramid provided a surreal and awe-inspiring moment, connecting us to the ancient civilization and the natural beauty of the jungle.
4. What were some of the highlights of exploring the El Mirador complex?
– Highlights included discovering hidden structures, learning about Mayan history, and enjoying panoramic views of the jungle from ancient pyramids.
5. How did the trek to El Mirador challenge and reward the participants?
– The trek tested endurance, resilience, and adaptability in the face of jungle conditions, but the sense of accomplishment and the exploration of a lesser-known archaeological site made it a rewarding experience.