Looking for a RHINO on a 1 DAY SAFARI Etosha National Park

Looking for a RHINO on a 1 DAY SAFARI  Etosha National Park


Today, I will be sharing with you an exciting adventure at Etosha National Park in Namibia. Join me as I recount my experiences exploring the wildlife and landscapes of this beautiful region through a road trip with my companion, Matt.

Exploring Etosha National Park

As we embarked on our final day of the Namibian Roadshow, the anticipation of witnessing the diverse wildlife at Etosha National Park filled us with excitement. From giraffes and hyenas to jackals and antelopes, the park was teeming with animal sightings, making each moment memorable.

Self-Driving Safari Experience

One of the most remarkable aspects of exploring Namibia is the freedom of self-driving through its vast landscapes. With our trusty 4×4 vehicle, we navigated the park at our own pace, immersing ourselves in the natural beauty and wildlife encounters without the constraints of guided tours.

Encountering Rhinos and Other Wildlife

A highlight of our journey was encountering a mother and baby rhino up close, a rare and thrilling sight. Amidst sightings of zebras, gazelles, giraffes, and wildebeests, each animal encounter added to the magic of our safari experience.

Challenges and Unexpected Discoveries

Despite facing challenges like getting lost and running low on fuel, we persevered in our quest to spot elephants and lions. A chance encounter with elephants at a watering hole and befriending a chipmunk added unexpected joy to our adventure, proving that every challenge leads to a unique experience.

Reflecting on the Road Trip

As our Namibian road trip came to an end, we reminisced about the incredible moments shared amidst the wilderness. From witnessing wildlife in their natural habitat to connecting with fellow travelers, the journey left an indelible mark on our hearts.


1. What are some of the animals you encountered during your self-driving safari in Namibia?
– Answer: We encountered giraffes, hyenas, jackals, antelopes, rhinos, zebras, gazelles, wildebeests, elephants, and lions.

2. How did the freedom of self-driving enhance your safari experience in Etosha National Park?
– Answer: Self-driving allowed us to explore at our own pace, get up close to animals, and immerse ourselves in the natural beauty without the constraints of guided tours.

3. What unexpected joy did you experience during your trip to the watering hole?
– Answer: We had a chance encounter with elephants at the watering hole and befriended a chipmunk, adding unique moments to our adventure.

4. How did you overcome challenges like getting lost and running low on fuel during the road trip?
– Answer: Despite challenges, we persevered in our quest to spot elephants and lions, eventually finding joy in unexpected discoveries like encountering wildlife up close.

5. What were some of the highlights and memorable moments from your Namibian road trip?
– Answer: Witnessing a mother and baby rhino up close, befriending a chipmunk, and reflecting on the freedom of self-driving were some of the memorable moments from our adventure.