This MOUNTAIN of a burrito weights around 15 POUNDS 68 kg and cost 100 shorts foodshorts

This MOUNTAIN of a burrito weights around 15 POUNDS 68 kg and cost 100 shorts foodshorts


Imagine a world where every meal is an adventure, and every bite is a journey. Picture yourself standing in Las Vegas, face to face with the biggest burrito you have ever seen. This culinary masterpiece is the brainchild of the creative geniuses at Sita’s Mexican Food, and it is a sight to behold.

The Monstrous Creation

This monstrosity of a burrito is not for the faint of heart. It boasts three giant toasted tortillas that are overflowing with a generous serving of carne al pastor, fried longaniza, cheese, sour cream, french fries, and a myriad of other delicious fillings. Each bite is a flavorful explosion that will leave your taste buds begging for more.

The Bacon Blanket

As if the burrito couldn’t get any more indulgent, it is then wrapped in 15 strips of bacon. The bacon is cooked to perfection, with a crispy outer layer that adds a smoky and savory dimension to the already decadent flavors of the burrito. It’s a true feast for the senses that will have you coming back for more.

A Feast to Remember

Gather your friends, because tackling this burrito is no small feat. It’s a meal meant to be shared and savored in good company. With each bite, you’ll discover new layers of flavors and textures that come together in perfect harmony. It’s a culinary experience that will create memories to last a lifetime.

The Never-Ending Meat

One of the most remarkable features of this burrito is the abundance of meat. Unlike traditional burritos where the meat portion is limited, this giant burrito ensures that every bite is packed with flavorful meats that will satisfy even the heartiest of appetites. It’s a meat lover’s dream come true.

Related Questions:

1. What makes the burrito from Sita’s Mexican Food in Las Vegas stand out?
– The burrito stands out due to its massive size and the abundance of delicious fillings it contains, making it a unique culinary experience.

2. How is the bacon incorporated into the burrito, and what does it add to the overall taste?
– The burrito is wrapped in 15 strips of bacon, adding a crispy and savory dimension to the flavors of the dish, making it even more indulgent.

3. Why is it recommended to share the burrito with friends?
– The burrito is a large and filling meal that is best enjoyed in the company of friends, creating a memorable and enjoyable dining experience.

4. What sets this burrito apart from traditional burritos in terms of meat content?
– Unlike traditional burritos that may have limited meat portions, this burrito is packed with an abundance of flavorful meats, ensuring that every bite is satisfying.

5. How would you describe the overall culinary experience of indulging in this giant burrito?
– Indulging in this giant burrito is a feast for the senses, with layers of flavors and textures coming together in perfect harmony to create a memorable and delicious dining experience.